General surgery

Many Types of general surgeries are being performed in our hospital. Appendicitis is a condition where the appendix in our body got inflamed and painful. We perform appendectomy to cure the disease.

The hernia is a common condition. In hernia there is a defect in the abdominal muscles and the intestine is coming out of the abdominal cavity and Start entering into the scrotal sack. To correct the hernia, we do hernia surgery, reposition the intestine, repair the defect and prevent the recurrence of hernia by using mesh. These kinds of surgeries are being done both in open methods and by laparoscopic methods.

Varicose vein is a condition when blood is accumulating in the veins of lower limbs due to the imperfectness or incompetence of the valves of the Venous system of lower limbs. So, the veins of the lower limbs are seen dilated and painful. Many people will have ulceration over the legs which are known as varicose ulcers. Varicose vein corrective surgery is being done in our hospital for a long time with excellent results.

Other than these surgeries all types of laparoscopy surgeries are being done in our hospital.

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