Plastic surgery

The main aim of plastic surgery is to heal the bones of our body by using our own tissues. Our body parts can be injured due to industrial accidents Road traffic accidents. Fingers and limbs can be damaged due to these accidents. Skin, muscles, blood vessels tendons and nerves are being damaged due to these accidents. So, the structure of the limbs are altered. Hence the function of the limbs are also altered. At the same time, the limb loses its natural appearance. Beauty is spoilt.The main object of plastic therapy is to restore the structure and function of the affected part of the body.

By using the flap coverage technique we bring the skin and the fascia from one place to the damaged region and cover the defect. For example, if there is a loss of soft tissues over the tip of the fingers we can transfer soft tissue from the neighbouring finger and cover the defect.

If we need a larger amount of tissues to cover a larger area then we may go for a groin flap or free transfer of tissues from other parts of the body. If only skin is lost then we can do skin grafting to the affected site. Likewise, the repair of nerves, tendons and blood vessels are also possible with the help of latest techniques using microscopes and loupes. We do excellent work on plastic surgery in our hospital in the past 10 years. Many industrial accident patients have been treated here for tendon repair, nerve repair, flap coverage and reconstruction of fingers.

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