
The arthroscope is an equipment that is very useful to inspect and treat the joint pathology and ligament injuries inside a joint. This surgery is being done with the help of a small camera, a light source and arthroscopic instruments. Even very tiny parts of the joint are being seen with the help of magnification.

The joint is inspected thoroughly all around with the help of arthroscopy. Even a small tear in the soft tissues of the joint and a small fragment of a bone inside a joint can be seen and can be fixed or removed with accuracy. A laparoscope is being used to diagnose and treat intra-abdominal problems. The arthroscope is a laparoscope that is used for the treatment of joint problems.

This surgery is being done by making very small holes on the skin and inserting the arthroscope inside the joints and doing surgery with the help of orthoscopic instruments. The advantage of arthroscopy is
1. There is no need for opening the joint with large incisions.
2. There will not be a big scar.
3. The joint movements are not affected. In other words, the post-operative joint stiffness is very minimal when we do surgery with the use of an arthroscope.
4. The whole aspect of the joint can be approached through the scope. All the procedures can be performed with ease where humans a hand cannot reach.

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