Joint replacement surgeries

Human knee joints are strong. They help in standing, walking, sitting, squatting, cross-legged sitting, jumping and swimming. They are very useful for all kinds of human body moments. But when they bear a lot weight and work too much of time they start degenerating. Initially, the soft tissues in between the bones of a joint which are known as meniscus start degenerating. Then the cartilage. Once the cartilage is lost then the hard bone underneath is exposed and will start degenerating. This exposure and damage increases with work. Then the joint will start bending. Once the degeneration and bending keep on increasing then there will be a change of walking pattern of the patient and the pain will be kept on increasing. This leads to the restriction of joint moments.

At one stage even going to the bathroom from the bed will be a problematic one. Then taking care of themselves will be a tremendous job for the patients. Joint degeneration can be treated when diagnosed at a very early stage. Many medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, weight reduction and lifestyle modification are useful to treat very early osteoarthritis.

But when the joint degeneration is in advanced stage surgery will be the answer. Now in the world, many people are undergoing joint replacements. In England and in the United States of America every year 6 to 7 lakh joints are being replaced.

In our country also nowadays, many people have the awareness of joint replacement surgery and opt for this. Instead of suffering from degenerated joint, instead of walking painfully, instead of not doing any activities, instead of staying only at home- people now start to prefer joint replacement surgery to get back their normal lifestyle. In our hospital for the past seven years we are doing hip and knee joint replacement surgeries successfully.

We have got an exclusive operation theatre with modern facilities like Laminar flow and power equipment's. These kinds of surgeries are being done privately or through government insurance schemes in our hospital.

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