Spinal surgeries

The vertebral column and the vertebrae give shape to the body. They give the height to the body and maintain the erect position. They help us to bend forwards, turn to sides and to bend backward. This vertebral column gives protection to the spinal cord and nerves which travel from the base of the brain to the tip of the vertebral column. Vertebral fractures occur due to the fall from height. They can be injured during the time of accidents.

These fractures can be treated very well with the help of Pedicular screw system. This system and the C arm image intensifier equipment are very useful to correct and fix these vertebral fractures in the best possible position. After the spinal fixation, it is possible for the patients to sit and walk very early and the fixation gives very good pain relief.

Some patients will get disc prolapse in cervical as well as lumbar regions. These intervertebral discs are soft shock absorbing materials in between the vertebra. Due to any acute strain, sports activities, weight lifting activities or during accidents these discs get injured and they prolapse or protrude into the vertebral canal.

This prolapsed disc will start compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots. So, this cord compression or root compression will cause neurological problems as well as intractable pain. To diagnose a disc prolapse we need to get an MRI of the affected region. If the disc prolapse symptoms are not relieved by conservative management then surgery maybe indicated. There are many types of discectomy or disc removal procedures available. Open techniques are time-tested and useful.

Like that microscopic and endoscopic techniques are also useful to remove the prolapsed disc, to relieve the pain and neurological symptoms of the patients.

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