Few questions and answers

1. How modern orthopaedic treatment is different from native treatment?

In modern orthopaedic management first, we take an x-ray of the fracture and analyse the type of fracture and according to the nature of injury, we treat the fracture.

We treat either with the help of a plaster of Paris bandage or we do surgery. And in both the methods we do a check x-ray to confirm the position of the bones.

And we give proper exercises and physiotherapy to the neighbouring joints. And we give medication for the bones to unite very well.

We also give medicines to relieve pain and the swelling of the affected side. Once we diagnose that the fractures are United then we keep our patients to bear weight.

Modern medicine is scientific.

Native treatment is not like that.

2. How the plaster of Paris bandage makes the fracture to unite?

Fracture of a bone can unite by itself. But it will unite with a deformity like overriding or with rotation or with angulation. Plaster of Paris keeps the fractured fragments in their best possible Position until they unite. So, we have to keeps the plaster till bone becomes strong.

3. Is there any side-effect of plaster of Paris bandage?

Longer or bigger bones will take 2 to 3 months for the union. If you keep plaster of Paris bandage for two or three months time the neighbouring joints will become stiff. And sometimes the plaster of Paris will become loose and the bones may get displaced inside the plaster. That's the reason why we are using operative management when there is a long bone fracture.

4. Is there any age limit for the property management of fractures?

No, there is no age limit. Most of the fractures occur for old age people. So this old age people need surgery to mobilise them early. Like that many small children also get sports injuries and fractures of their bones with the involvement of the growing part of the bone. So when the Growth plate is involved or damaged and they also may need surgery. So, in both the extremities, we need healthy and mobile joints. so we give importance to achieve our goal rather than considering the age. We have operated even for a patient of 102 years old and made him walk again.

5. What do you mean by keyhole surgery?

For the diseases of joints, surgery is being done by making a small hole and inserting a scope into the joint and visualisation of the joints by using the camera. Even a long bone fracture can be treated with the use of keyhole surgery by making a small incision and monitoring the fractures with the use of C arm image intensifier equipment. We fix the bones with this Keyhole surgeries. Here the openings are very small, The healing is also very good. The scars are minimal; blood loss is very minimum, and the patient can go back to their work early.

6. How long it will take for the bone to unite?

Union of the bone depends upon the size of the fractured bone. finger fractures can unite in 3 to 4 weeks and the small bones like a forearm bone will take 4 to 6 weeks time; long bones like thigh or leg bones will take 12 weeks to unite. Usually, for children the union will be quicker than the aged people.

7. What will you do when the bone is not united properly?

Many of the patients who are undergoing native treatment are coming with ununited fractures. Many people come with deformities of upper limbs and lower limbs. For all these things surgery is the treatment of choice. Sometimes we may need to take bone from other parts of the body and graft it at the fracture site for a better union.

8. Will there be any problem at the donor site while doing bone grafting?

No, there will not be any problem. New bone will grow at the donor site.

9. You are fixing plates and screws inside the body. Will there be any side-effects because of these implants?

No, they are very much compatible with our body. Allergic reactions are very rare.

10. Should they be removed?

We remove the implants in younger patients. For very old people we are not advising Implant removal Because it will lead to another surgery. Once the bone is united well then there is no point of keeping the implants inside the body. So, removing an implant is advisable.

11. Can we play after the union of a fracture? can we do heavy works?

Definitely. After three months of fracture, most of the bones will get united. Even then after six months only, sport related activities are advised.

12. What is the difference between getting operated in our place and getting the surgery at Chennai or Coimbatore?

It is the same difference as eating an idly in our place or taking an ambulance and eating an Idli at Coimbatore or Chennai!

13. Do you mean the treatment is the same in Bhavani and Coimbatore?

Not only in Coimbatore. All over the world the basics of fracture management are the same.

The methodology of fracture fixation is the same all over India. Everywhere plates and screws are made by using the same kinds of metals. In all the operation theatres equipment's used are the same. Drilling machines from Switzerland, C arm image intensifiers from Japan, monitors from America and many equipment's produced in our India are all available in Bhavani also. So, the treatment in Bhavani is in no way different from their treatment in Coimbatore. There has been a mindset that only in large cities like Coimbatore certain treatments are available if we spend a high cost. But to be frank in our place the treatment cost is definitely very low. The duration of reaching the hospital and the strain that you take to come and go back he is relatively very very less.

14. Is it possible to prevent ourselves from fractures?

Yes .it is possible. Almost 80% of fractures are happening because of road traffic accidents. Among them two-wheeler accidents are more. You just follow the traffic rules. Use helmet. Don’t go very fast. Turn carefully in curves. When you are travelling in a car you have to wear a seat belt compulsorily. Whenever there is a crowd go slowly and Drive carefully. When there are animals around the road make yourself slow because we don’t know in which way these animals will turn around.

15. What about health insurance?

We insure cars and bikes. Why? To avoid unexpected expenses in case of any accidents. But do you think everyone is insured for their health? No. For every family health insurance is very very important.

16. Do you provide fracture treatment only in your hospital?

Apart from the management of fractures we do spinal injury management, joint replacement surgeries, arthroscopy, plastic surgery, general surgery and obstetrics and gynaecology treatment.

17. Joint replacement surgery means you remove the whole joint and fix a new joint is it like that?

Many people think like this and they are very much scared. But we remove only the damaged and degenerated parts of a joint and replace them with strong artificial ports. After the surgery, you can walk without pain in a few days.

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